Legends of Kotor - lesser known

The English edition of the book "Legends of Kotor : lesser known," preserves legends and mythical past of Kotor and keep them from being forgotten. The book is intended for people of all ages, especially children of primary school age.
Izdavač: Muzeji Kotor
Specifikacije proizvoda
Urednicaedited by Milka Kolundžić and Tanja Vujović ; illustrations Ana Rodić
Prevoditeljkatranslation Ranka Vilić
Godina izdanja2022.
Broj stranica48
Format21 x 21 cm
Napišite svoju ocjenu
  • Možete napisati ocjenu na proizvod samo ako ste ga kupili.
  • Samo registrovani korisnici mogu pisati osvrte.
  • Loše
  • Izvrsno
Specifikacije proizvoda
Urednicaedited by Milka Kolundžić and Tanja Vujović ; illustrations Ana Rodić
Prevoditeljkatranslation Ranka Vilić
Godina izdanja2022.
Broj stranica48
Format21 x 21 cm
Oznake proizvoda